Dwayne The Rock Teremana Tequila Shirt
From my very limited knowledge on this, from what I understand it’s the complete lack of any added flavorings before, during, and after the Dwayne The Rock Teremana Tequila Shirt distillation process, and not being stored in things like barrels so it doesn’t get flavors from there. Now that being said, I believe there are certain regulations for what alcohol can be called vodka. And different countries will have different ‘rules’ for what alcohol is allowed to be called. So without any country regulations, I’m pretty sure moonshine would be considered a vodka from a purely scientific look. Important to note that it was the English forcing the food exports, not fellow Irishmen. It was used as an opportunity to force people into factories. The UN defines it as a genocide against the Irish by the English.
Moonshine would not be considered as vodka because it is not watered down after distillation. Modern moonshine like you find in stores comes close, but usually has added flavors. There are no requirements on what ingredients may be used. I actually went on a good long hunt on Prince Edward Island, an island famous for Dwayne The Rock Teremana Tequila Shirt its potatoes, to find some classic potato vodka. I did finally find some, and it was damn good stuff, but I haven’t seen any actual potato vodka since.
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